FUN Readers

Friday, June 6, 2008

A EASY 7 min pace run turned into 17:54 pace

The BLOODY new shoe!!

The OUCHY blisters!!

YIP....What was I thinking????? 2 days before Racing for Recovery 1/2 Ironman race....I did it...I ordered new shoes and went out for a tester.....BIG MISTAKE!!! I love the look of these shoes and was so excited to wear them for the race...I head out for a HOT easy 6 mile run (SOCK LESS)...I make it to mile 2 and I am in pain, I look down and see that my shoe is BLEEDING...I had the decision of finishing up my 6 mile run or call it quits before they got worse....HMMMMMM I decided to STOP...took my shoes off and had to walk home on burning hot black top for 2 miles...I pulled my hat over my face and put my head down so no one would notice me...WHO is this crazy girl walking on hot roads, carrying her COOL looking piece of shit shoes..... doing the hot jump dance and avoiding any broken glass and little sharp pebbles :) YIP that would be me.....I get from 1/2 mile from my house..thinking I made it without being noticed....NOPE my neighbor Brian pulls up and says are you OK, need a ride...HMMMMM..Had to think about it....he is not a athletic guy and he drives a nice car....I don't think he would like a sweaty, toe bleeding...dirty feet girl in his nice car :) so I past on the ride and say "I need the exercise" HA!!! SO here I am with 5 ouchy blisters 2 on one foot 3 on the other...(YES I am a wimp when I get blisters) and a race on Sunday!!!!

SO it is redemption time from my last SCREW up in I go.......I am excited.....I know a lot of people racing, so that will be nice to see everyone out there...I DO KNOW THE RUN IS A 2 LOOP no messing up this time :) Bree, I am really going to try and put my face in the water this time for the swim..he he :) It is going to be HOT HOT HOT...looking like 93 degrees..not use to this HEAT as we just had hail a week the run is going to be a scorcher..It will be a awesome experience for me...My husband will be putting the medal around my neck and all my kids will be there is no stopping me to the finish...not EVEN THESE DANG BLISTERS :)


Wes said...

Ewwww! Blech :-) Ain't no blisters gonna keep that sista down!! Wrap those suckers up and get to it!! I wish you the best of luck this weekend!! Race safe, race hard, race fun :-D

rr said...

Oh no! Heal fast Mel! And have a great hot run this weekend.. glad you know about the looping ;) If you can find some second skin blister pads, they are awesome and you won't feel those blisters at all.. try a running shop. Kick some butt out there - in your old shoes!

Sarah said...

Oh, WOMAN!!!! Wrap 'em and get to it. You're gonna kick some butt, but use the old shoes. You'll feel better. I'm just glad you didn't try them out AT the race!!!!!!


Dolphin Boy said...

Ohhhh nice blisters.....hmmmm hope you are okay for weekend race. Enjoy the warm weather...finally. Glad to hear family will be with you!

Don't stop, keep pushing to the end. Embrace the kids and smile!!


Shan said...

Best of luck this weekend Mel!! GO ROCK IT out there!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about the blisters!! Heal fast!

kerrie said...

you are going to rawk the race! i second what rr says about the second skin blister bandaids so you don't feel them. and wearing socks i fine while racing half is fine - the 10 seconds it takes you to put them on will be worth it in the long run!!!!

Damie said...

Go Mel! You can do it! Take care of yourself on the hot run (pee on yourself if you have too...jk :)- just make your health your priority and you are going to finish this with a lot of pride and respect for yourself. Glide those blisters up and go kick some butt!

Lily on the Road said...

Oh, oowwweeee, Mel!!!

Good Luck this weekend and please look after your tootsie's....Liquid skin bandaids, body glide, go with what works and take care in the heat! Looking forward to hearing all about your race.....YOU GO GIRL!!

BreeWee said...


You crack me up, you make sport so hilarious with your suits, bike issues, shoes, you name it you add a little laughing to it!

I LOVE those shoes, those are the ones I race in! Okay, fill them babies with vaseoline! Hoping you never notice those darn blisters during your race...

Rooting for you, do BOTH loops, and keep your big smile! REDEMPTION time... and hey, you are the only one I know that does 2 half Irons as your first 2 races in your life! Way to go big or go home!


Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Been thinking about you all day and sending good wishes all the way up to Ohio for you!

jahowie said...

OUCH!!! That looks painful. I hope that the blisters didn't cause you any problems during your race.

Trigirlpink said...

Hey! Did you get my email that Todd's flyer was in my Mooseman race packet??? Very cooool.
HOw'z the toes?? LOL.. we both have FEET pix this week. too funny...
I hope you had a good race, sista.

Anonymous said...

OK....OUCH! Hope your feet held out for your race yesterday! Fill us in, how did it go? I am sure you did Great! jen H. :)

Pedergraham said...

Yes, hoping to hear GOOD news about your race and your feet!

Anonymous said...

We need a race report!!!!!!!!!!!!

My toes are feeling for you! Mine are still nasty from Disney 70.3!

Kellye Mills said...

I hope the race went really, really well! And I hope you didn't even notice those blisters!

Laura said...

Hope your race went well. Can't wait to hear about it!

Eileen Swanson said...

Ok Mel C, now you better go kick some serious bootie! You are so funny! Love the post! Put some socks on please ;-)