The Racing For Recovery racers :)

OK, I know I am mean, but had to wait for a photo to go with the report (thank you to Kevin and his brother Rich for the photo) It took A LOT of yelling and beating myself up to finish this darn race :) The weather was brutal 95 degrees HOT...which I can deal with HEAT...BUT the wind is what killed me 25-30 mph head winds...which not only caused a hard ass bike ride, but also choppy swim conditions....I am sure everyone knows I am not a fan of the swim....I told Bree this time I would really try and swim with my face in the water this time...WELL, I did try at first...but I yip swam the whole swim with face OUT...I made it to the first orange float...wanted to quit but knew Todd and many others would give me so much crap...I was seeing a lot of people getting pulled into shore by wave runners, so I knew I was not the only wuss out there :) Plus I still had a lot of swimmers still behind keep flopping along..the wet suit was driving me nuts..I was getting too hot...I am coming to the conclusion that I am fine in the pool with putting my face in the water and just go, but in open water swim with ANY little ripple in the water I panic!!! I finished the swim 8 mins quicker than I did in St. Croix..still not fast, but better!!
On to the bike...I was feeling pretty good, until I hit the roads outside of the park...Headwinds the whole time..we had to do 3 loops of the same wind.....I witnessed a bad bike wreck...this guy with a disk wheel came flying by me cut right in front of me and then the wind picked up right when he was starting to pass another guy and both guys went flying into the air bikes and the 2 guys landed in the ditch I was right behind them...SCARY...I slowed down to make sure they both got up, which they did and I was waiting for disk boy to come fly by me to call him a jack-ass for being so crazy in those conditions, but never saw him again!!!! I was working my butt off into the wind and I was trying to decide if riding the hills in St. Croix was worse then riding into this wind...I think I would take the HILLS...I was looking at the bike splits and only 15 people (all men ) made it over 20mph....
I was trying to get over my death grip hadle bar hold...they had 3 water stations I past the first one...and the second one, I chickened out on the bottle hand off so pulled over and drank...the third one I said OK be brave and I got the hand off, but needed to turn to head back to I took the turn right into the wind and damn had to pull over to drink...(I really need to work on the balancing thing)I was so happy to finish the bike..I could start to feel my blister by now(thank you Rachael for the idea of liquid did help some)
It was really getting HOT and the wind was still going, I could tell I had no zip, the bike did me in...I was having some female issues I was dealing with and could not get the cramping to stop...the blisters were stinging like you would not believe....I was walking and said keep going..who cares about your time.....just finish this dang thing.....One of the Racing for Recovery racers Kevin caught up with me on the ran with him for about 5 min and was slamming the liquids down to the point I looked like I was pregnant :) Around mile 4 I look down and yip the bloody shoes started again..the toes were screaming in PAIN..I was dumping cold water on them and my stomach was starting to feel bloated and ill I just need to BARF....I bent over in straddle position and was dry heaving...started to run again and could feel it coming up so stopped again and straddled and let it all out!!!....I hear someone yell..I did my barf and started sprinting...let me get this race over all ready :) Well to find out it was my friend Kevin and another guy he was running with, witness me barfing and couldn't believe I started to run embarrassing :) I was feeling a little better and was able to run more..but still at a slow pace...I was thinking why am I sucking so bad today...I just did a half marathon in 1:35(7:15min pace) a couple of months ago...and now I am doing a half in 10 min pace....but to me today it is all about finishing!!!! so walk/run I will go to the finish were my kids and husband will be waiting for me!!!! I get close and I can already hear Skylar yelling "come on Mom" and there was Konor and Madison right behind her running towards me (Mason was sleeping in the kid) we all took hands and ran in together with BIG smiles on our faces :) Todd was there putting the medal around my neck the moment was sweet....but short I had to rush to ladies room and take care of some female issues and get these damn shoes OFF and clean my bloody mess up...
The day was brutal weather wise and my mental toughness started to get the best of me...and I keep telling myself I AM RETIRED...but now I am wanting to do one more half..some where I will know the weather will be GOOD..I know I am better then this...I need to prove this to myself!! Some how I did manage to pull off second place in my age group...was really shocked there, as my times were slow in all 3 events..but I will take the second place AG and run with it :)
Big congrats to Kevin and Eddie for completing there 1st half...Aaron completing the sprint tri and what ALL you guys have achieved in a few months...Be proud guys!! Way to stick it out and guys rock!!!
BIG THANK you to Todd(my husband) for putting a awesome Racing for Recovery race on which drew in over 300 participates throughout 17 states..the race was VERY organized and a really good one to do...fantastic set up...and HUGE thanks for sponsoring me and the Racing for Recovery was tough and brutal, but well worth it!!!!!
I am hoping to post some Finishing photo's soon as the race photographer gets them up!!!!!
It was really getting HOT and the wind was still going, I could tell I had no zip, the bike did me in...I was having some female issues I was dealing with and could not get the cramping to stop...the blisters were stinging like you would not believe....I was walking and said keep going..who cares about your time.....just finish this dang thing.....One of the Racing for Recovery racers Kevin caught up with me on the ran with him for about 5 min and was slamming the liquids down to the point I looked like I was pregnant :) Around mile 4 I look down and yip the bloody shoes started again..the toes were screaming in PAIN..I was dumping cold water on them and my stomach was starting to feel bloated and ill I just need to BARF....I bent over in straddle position and was dry heaving...started to run again and could feel it coming up so stopped again and straddled and let it all out!!!....I hear someone yell..I did my barf and started sprinting...let me get this race over all ready :) Well to find out it was my friend Kevin and another guy he was running with, witness me barfing and couldn't believe I started to run embarrassing :) I was feeling a little better and was able to run more..but still at a slow pace...I was thinking why am I sucking so bad today...I just did a half marathon in 1:35(7:15min pace) a couple of months ago...and now I am doing a half in 10 min pace....but to me today it is all about finishing!!!! so walk/run I will go to the finish were my kids and husband will be waiting for me!!!! I get close and I can already hear Skylar yelling "come on Mom" and there was Konor and Madison right behind her running towards me (Mason was sleeping in the kid) we all took hands and ran in together with BIG smiles on our faces :) Todd was there putting the medal around my neck the moment was sweet....but short I had to rush to ladies room and take care of some female issues and get these damn shoes OFF and clean my bloody mess up...
The day was brutal weather wise and my mental toughness started to get the best of me...and I keep telling myself I AM RETIRED...but now I am wanting to do one more half..some where I will know the weather will be GOOD..I know I am better then this...I need to prove this to myself!! Some how I did manage to pull off second place in my age group...was really shocked there, as my times were slow in all 3 events..but I will take the second place AG and run with it :)
Big congrats to Kevin and Eddie for completing there 1st half...Aaron completing the sprint tri and what ALL you guys have achieved in a few months...Be proud guys!! Way to stick it out and guys rock!!!
BIG THANK you to Todd(my husband) for putting a awesome Racing for Recovery race on which drew in over 300 participates throughout 17 states..the race was VERY organized and a really good one to do...fantastic set up...and HUGE thanks for sponsoring me and the Racing for Recovery was tough and brutal, but well worth it!!!!!
I am hoping to post some Finishing photo's soon as the race photographer gets them up!!!!!
Thank you for all your good guys are the BEST!!!!
Hardware is hardware--you earned it! MANY HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! You have redeemed yourself and then some; those St. Croix ghosts are banished for good. Again, way to go, so proud of you!
You are BAD making us wait!! Finallly!! 2nd in your age group!!! NICE!!! Even with that bloody foot. eeeeek!
Nice race!!!!!
Yippee for you. Those conditions sound SO tough. Baby those feet so they get better quickly (no infections--take good care of them!)
YEA Mel! You did it.. and in spite of the crazy blisters. You are awesome! I hope you're so very proud of yourself.. not just a finish, but a placing too, that's great!
Glad the second skin helped a little.. but man do you need to find some new shoes!
Great job!
Dude....CONGRATS!!!! I think your mental toughness is stronger than you realize! YOU DID IT!! Way to push through the conditions. Fly out to Kona, no wetsuits!!
Can't wait to see the images!!
Thanks for keeping us waiting...TEASE!
Rock on Mel! I knew you'd finish this time!! How sweet was the finish with your kids and hubby?!
Awesome job proud and now relax and enjoy! crack me up. You sound like my mom with your comment on my post.
Perhaps I am picky! I know. What's a guy to do? It's just the way it is with me. Someday she will find me:)
Mel, that shoe is so nasty. You need different ones FOR SURE!
I'm not surprised you stuck with it in spite of crappy conditions. You really are THAT strong. Way to be and way to kick some butt!! I'm so proud for you and so happy you finally got some redemption! Great job!!
If you can deal with hot weather, you just need to plan to come out for Vineman next year. No wind, beautiful vineyards to ride through, the swim is in a river that you can actually stand up and WALK IN, and the run is all flat. Make a family vacation out of it! :D
Yea!!!! :)))))) Yea for finishing first half IMs! We knew you would do it!
yay!!!! i knew it, you are one tough mama! you aren't going to let some blisters and gale force winds stop you!! way to get it done and look good while doing it!
Awesome Mel!
Yikes, I read your full report without taking a breath!! LOL,
Hope your tootsie's get better soon! Way to go and yup, it's all about the bling!
Wooo Hooo!!!
Wahooy for the finish and second place.. way to hang in there despite the feelings and thoughts that were trying to get in your way of making it to the finish line.. as for the wind and the chop - nature has it's way of reacting as well!
I'd say you deserve a new pair of shoes :)
I have been waiting for you to post this! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!
WOW! You did awesome! Nothing like taking the mental monsters and shutting them up! I knew you finished, not a doubt in my mind!
Such GREAT photos too, kinda fun how you kept us in suspense and had some pix to go with the race report! STILL I am pinching myself you did so good!
Glad you tried to put your face in the water, baby steps, amazing!
Oh, I am with Brooke, you deserve new shoes! It's Mother's Day this weekend right?!? ha ha!!
IT WAS THE FREAKIN NEW SHOES THAT DID THIS TO MY know the silver and pink ones 2 post had to go with my OLD shoes for the race....but the toes were ALREADY damaged before the race....they just did not hold up during.... even with the 20 coats of liquid second skin!!! Just had to clear that up :)
MELLLLLLL! I knew you had finished, but congrats, formally! great pics too - you are so cute in your PINK SUIT. I love it!! And, I love it that you "retired" for a brief insane second. :) Jen H.
And, 2nd AG! NICEEE!
WOOHOOO! See, that's why we do this stuff... to see what we are made of. Admit.. you're addicted WAY TO GO!! I have the same problem with shoes and blisters and can't figure out how to resolve it...PAIN in the butt. Let me know if you find a solution.
Congrats!! It sounds like you had a very rough day. You are very strong to keep pushing it to the finish. You should be very proud of yourself!!
I knew you were a kick ass tri-chica :-) Woot!! You had plenty of opportunity to roll over and die, but you didn't! You rocked it and you deserve every accolated!!! Wooot!!! Congratulations, Mel!!
P.S. I will be accepting applications to the OWS Wuss Club, aka. The OWC. I am club president ;-)
LOL. accolade, accolade :-) I type faster than I think...
Way to go Mel.. This just confirms what I've ALWAYS said, that women are much more tougher than men. You da' woman!!!
WOOHOO MEL! Way to be super TOUGH! Super happy for ya.....
P.S. Will send you an email on the suit ;-)
YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA!!! You did GREAT! So proud of you!!! Wonderful! And BTW, I would take hills any day... ;) You are so STRONG - how WONDERFUL to share your day with the hubby and kids.
GREAT photos - MAN - for just racing a HIM, you look AWESOME!
YYEEEAAHHH!! Way to throw it down, Mel - especially with those bleeding toes!!
Way to Go Mel!!! I think you did awesome! I swear... tough conditions make it really hard, but that much more pleasurable when we fight our way through them. And 2nd AG... That's amazing!!
Congratulations, Mel! Way to hang in there with that swim. I totally understand what you went through - good for you for not letting that water beat you.
But I don't know what's more amazing, that you stuck out the swim or ran with bleeding toes? You earned that finish BIG TIME! Hope you did something great to celebrate your victory!
Hey Mel,
I've been a blog lurker for a while. :) I'm so excited for your finish despite the awful swim, bloody feet, and puking. Awesome job!
Great job on the race! and hardware to boot! Glad you had a great time, hopefully you plan to race more 1/2 ironmans soon?
Hi Mel! Way to go! So, you were barfing and then starting running fast? You are one tough chick! Congratulations, especially on such a tough and brutal day!
BTW...I'm a Melissa from Ohio too, so when I found your blog I knew you would be a cool person. Ha ha!
i totally dig your blog :) congrats on a great race! ummm that's amazing you placed 2nd in your age group and were bleeding and puking all over the place! the bloody shoe reminds me of the sox pitcher curt schilling :)
Mel... what size shoe are you???
Yes MEL...I have those items on my "to do list" ...thank you! (such a mom)
Hey if you want to see a little baby cry....visit my recent post!LOL!
ahhhh just saw your comment on Bree's Wedding blog...What the H%$# is wrong with you? Dude, I beat her fair and square. She was only acting in the parking lot....
We have a rematch coming soon. 50 yard of fly after Japan race.
I beat her...don't feed her any more crap like you just did....she needs to be put in her place & I just did it!!! LOL!
what the....?
Awesome job out there!!! You need to work on those shoes ;).
Great Job Mel! Congrats on the hardware :)
If you are looking for a good half with awesome condiditons (maybe a bit on the warm side on the run) try the Florida 70.3 in Orlando. I did it a few years back. The swim is in a small lake with warm water, the bike course is mostly flat, and the run is flat also. Like I said, it is usually fairly warm by the time you are out on the run course...but I realy liked the race...and the kids love it too...Can you say M-I-C-K-E-Y
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