FUN Readers

Friday, April 18, 2008


Sorry some of my blog buddies are on my butt to get a new post up!!! So short and sweet it will be :) I have been a solo parent for over a week now.....Todd is in China for the hectic here...Training has been suffering a little...but I think I needed a little break since the half Marathon my ankle has been sore and I believe it was all the water filled potholes I was stepping in during the race.....The weather has been nice (other than the winds) I even managed to put my bikini on and lay out in the sun one day (Yippee)....
Today was my FIRST outside bike ride since last June 2007..I will say I was scared, as I still do not have the balancing thing down...and my hands never leave the bars :) So I headed out for a 2 hour ride with two guys (Eddie and Kevin) and was hoping I could just hang on!!! Eddie(riding partner) is a incredible biker he made it look so easy...he kept my butt in gear....I gave him my rules before the ride and the main one was get to the stop signs before me and warn me if there is a car coming or if I needed to speed up before the car got there...I am not a good stopper and it takes me forever to cross the street to get back on my I do the one leg scoot across the street and then hop on once I get across :) I am sure the people in the cars are getting a good laugh :) I try to avoid any stopping....( I should probably mention I have only been outside on my bike a total of 6 TIMES since I bought my bike last June (Yikes) back to the ride...I was feeling good and free, ...... I am on a mission..making every work out count...I WANT IT TO HURT :) (Bree be proud, as you are the one who taught me that) It was super windy heading out and almost fell over a couple of times and the best was when a big bug smack me right in the forehead (OUCH) I guess that is better then flying into my big mouth :).....heading back the wind was working with me and I felt like I was flying...Eddie waited on me so we rode side by side and I would say work me he would take off and tell me my speed he got my ass up to 25.3 mph my legs were on fire and I was feeling the pain....LOVED IT!!!!! my total average speed for 2 hours was around 20 to 21 mph..I will take it :) So first ride outside was AWESOME!!!!! Now I am sitting in the chair and moaning my legs hurt..but what a good pain :) Thank you Eddie and Kevin for giving me a little confidence in my riding today!!!!... Thank you Orlando for sticking behind to do the babysitting duties :) These guys are AWESOME!!!

What happened to short and sweet....I guess I had more to say then I realized......Time to go I have a Birthday party to get ready for YEAH lucky me Skylar's birthday was the 15th and she is having a slumber party here tomorrow night 12 kids here all night with just me in charge...I will lose my lid :)
BIG shout out to my husband Todd, Krista, and Clay who will all be doing the China Ironman tomorrow ........wahoooo tear it up guys....I will be following you in between pulling my hair out!!!

Have a great weekend and awesome hard training!!!

Hugs to all


Anonymous said...

Nice to get out, MEL!!! WOW, sounds like a super ride too! GOOD luck to everyone racing IM china! And, a bday party with 12 girls - you are NOW my new hero! :) Jen H.

kerrie said...

that is some pretty quick biking!! you are going to do great at st.croix - i always tell myself that the race begins once i get on the bike. i will be trying to follow IM China - good luck to your hubby (and to you with that sleepover, lol)

Marit C-L said...

Well - as someone who has done the single leg scoot across a road, I agree that it looks funny. But it works. :)

Holy Cow Mel - 12 kids for a sleepover AND a solo parent. You are wonder woman!

And way to GO GO GO for your bike ride. Sounds epic and incredible.... Oh yes, AND, thanks for the comment about water walking. It made me smile to read it....

Sending good vibes your way!

Pedergraham said...

OK. All I can think about is 12 kids for a sleepover party. I think that must be harder than riding up the Beast at St. Croix 10 times. Nice riding! Let us know how the party goes. I, as usual, will be taking notes to use in the future!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Aluguel de Computadores, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Trigirlpink said...

who's this aluguel dude above sending hugs?? I already saw him over on Bree's blog doin' the same lol..

holy bajoly... that is a quick pace on the bike and this is the first time out??? NICE!! You will be smokin' for St Croix!
12 mini chikas staying over... up all night, not you, but them!!
I bet you have some serious snack food in your house!
Sending good vibes to Mr. Crazy Mel.

BreeWee said...

YEAH! Glad you made it count Crazy Mel! Oh gosh, my Jim is on another island so I too have been full time mom trying to train and work and live and parent (BUT I am not that CRAZY to have 12 kids over!!!) You need an award for that one!

Anonymous said...

Thank godness you are finally get outside on your bike! Nice job there Mel. Imagine what kind of speeds you can be kickin' when you are comfortable out on the road!

If you survive those 12 girls without loosing it...St. Croix is gonna be a piece of cake! Seriously, you are so good to even attempt that. I feel like such a slacker parent right now.


Kellye Mills said...

GREAT ride!! Glad you got out there and got the confidence you need to race!

Good luck to you with your Slumber party and Todd at IM China!! They are both equal in their pain! :)

Jennifer Cunnane said...

Great ride! Sounds like even though you have not hit the roads you are riding like a champ. Perhaps if your daughters slumber party gets outta hand you can make them all get on their bikes and go for a ride? :-)

kerrie said...

is todd okay? saw it was beyond hotttttt and he hadn't started the run... hope it is just my computer!