FUN Readers

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I found my ANSWER!!

A couple of post ago I wrote about WHY and WHY NOT....I did not quite understand what I was trying to prove by doing triathlons..the training was taking up too much time and I started doing the questioning of "WHY" am I "REALLY" doing triathlons, after battling back in fourth with the "WHYS" and always coming up with excuses of "WHY" I do it and ended my fight with "WHY NOT" WELL, I HAVE MY ANSWER.....the "WHY" does NOT exists anymore...My 10 year old Skylar did her first triathlon this weekend...YES a swim....a bike....a run!!! I am SO proud of if Triathlons is what it takes for me and my inspire and motivate our children...that is ALL it takes to get that annoying word "WHY" right out of my mind and that my friends is CLOSURE:)


rr said...

Look at the beautiful little mini-you! Seriously, she is your twin. Congrats to your Sky, you must be so proud of her!

kerrie said...

that is awesome! she looks so tough(and adorable) in all of those pics. isn't it funny how something so simple can make it all worth it?

Ward said...

That is fantastic.. she has great inspiration from you and Todd... You should be very proud!

Wes said...

Oh my word... Look at her!!! That is so awesome! I'm still trying to get one of my kids to tri... I still think the answer to why we tri is much simpler. Encouraging the kiddos to take up this sport is a HUGE bonus!! Way to go Mom and Dad!!!

jahowie said...

That is awesome!! She looks so cute in her swimcap. :-) It's really cool that you and your husband are inspiring your children like this. I bet that you were very proud of her!! :-)

jahowie said...

That is awesome!! She looks so cute in her swimcap. :-) It's really cool that you and your husband are inspiring your children like this. I bet that you were very proud of her!! :-)

Trigirlpink said...

GO SKYLAR GO!!! Wooooooo Hooooo!
So awesome! That is a HUGE accomplishment. Wow! Give her a high five for me. :-)

Jen said...

Great Job Skylar!!! She looks adorable standing there with her finisher's medal :)

TriGirl Kate O said...

WAY TO GO SKYLAR!!!!!! Congratulations on your first tri. You rock.

Eileen Swanson said...

SO AWESOME and SUPER CUTE! Skylar is a studdette ;-) Tell her I say awesome job, way to go, you make all girls proud ;-)


P.S. You are an amazing mom!!

Dolphin Boy said...

Awesome! Congrats to Skylar! She must be sooo stoked to finish her first Tri. Oh and a proud mom to boot!!!

Paul said...

That is super cool!! She's totally a mini-you.

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!! Kids learn by example Mel!!

Congrats to Skylar!!!

Damie said...

I don't have a good comment- I can only say Yes!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't she just too cute! And, yes, MEL...that is why! Amazing and the kids feed off your energy. :) Jen H.

Kim said...

she is friggin adorable!

BreeWee said...

Oh my gosh, this is the coolest photo, looks like mini-mel!

What a cool thing, you are doing it to better the lives of your children!


Sarah said...

She's a Mini-Mel!!!!

I am a little late in catching up on everybody's blog, so I'm sorry for the lateness here.

Mel, that is SO GREAT. I knew your answer would come. And I can't really think of a more selfless answer to your question. To be able to inspire others - whether it's our children or friends or strangers - is truly an amazing gift. I know your children really do look up to you and your husband and it's clear that you both have gotten them off to a great start. The cool thing is that they get inspired by you, they go do great things, and you get to be all proud of them.

Way to BE!!! CONGRATS to Skylar!!
