FUN Readers

Sunday, August 10, 2008

3rd place out of 29 in age group and 14th out of 138 overall females:)

Photo right after I finished...check the sweatshirts
and long pants out..that is how cold it was!!!!

Well I managed to almost reach all of my goals...except for the dang face in the water....but that was because I had people on top of me the whole swim and I could not see where I was going.....then the second goal not meet..I went off the swim course a bit...but was overall satisfied with my goal meeting:) NO PUKING.....NO BLOODY BLISTERS....NO BLOATING STOMACH...and I had FUN :)

I am pretty pleased with my results....3rd PLACE in my age group out of 29 girls...AND 14th out of 138 girls overall..I know deep down I could have pushed it A LOT harder than I did...I some how need to get the drive and some kind of competitiveness in me...I have lost it (unless it is inches away from me then game on) I guess the saying goes for me "out of site..out of mind" I need to learn how to push to hurt...learning.....I guess that comes with HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT??,

I wasn't sure how it was going to go with only getting 7 training days in before this race...if I can just get the dang swim down...I would do so much better and have more confidence in myself :) I know it is my own fault as I do not put the work into getting any that is where I need to find the drive and the passion!!! BLAH BLAH BLAH...onto the race!!

I am only reporting on my age group (35-39age)and this is out of 29 girls....I was nervous before the swim...I was freezing my butt off...we had the option of wearing a wet suit and I decided against it....because it causes me to I would rather freeze then panic....I was so excited as at the beginning of the swim I did manage putting my face in the water, but that was short lived as this is the FIRST time girls were drafting off of ME(the stinky swimmer)... I had girls pulling on my legs and swimming on top of my legs...that kind of freaked me out and then some how I managed to swim off course a bit and almost swam into a boating dock:) ...because my goggles steamed up and the fog was thick...could not see where I was going...but the suckers that would not get off of me followed me..Ha Ha to them....So my goal was NOT to be last one out of the water and I had no one pass me yippee was 16th out (of 29girls ) I WAS NOT LAST, but knew I had a lot of catching up to do!!

I jumped on my bike and went back-n- fourth of putting a long sleeve shirt on or not...I decided not too...BRRRRRRRR legs for the first 5 miles were stiff and cold, I had no go and the first part of the bike was windy......I knew I need to try and pick up the speed as I am not a strong swimmer and I need the bike and the run to catch up to people.....I started to pass people and managed to only be passed by 2 guys and no girls...I rode in the hardest gears the whole ride (still learning on the gearing) as I always feel it is strengthening my legs:) so harder the better for me!!! I had the 4th fastest bike split!!!

I started the run feeling pretty good...started off a little too fast(at least for me) with the 1st mile clocking in 6:44 pace....I started getting side cramps and slowed down a bit,but continued passing girls....It was kind of fun seeing a hot girl in front of me...gave me a target to aim for and I went after it.... so was picking the girls off one by one...past many guys too (but could not tell you if they were hot or not:)didn't care about them!!!...I get to my last mile and the cramping started stopped and walked and had to cuss at myself to get started again...pushed it to the finish hard and really had no clue of where I placed....but felt good and not tired at I knew I had more energy to burn and NOW I can kick myself for not pushing it a little harder...I did get 2nd fastest run split in my age group (7:10pace not my best, but will take it...MAD I WALKED uugg) This is my first year of racing, so it is all a learning experience for me and every race I am learning something new to carry on to the next one day I will have it down:)

Coming 16th out of the water in age group, I was losing confidence in myself and not sure if I could catch the other YEAH for my 3rd place trophy (now it is Skylar's).. Next year I WILL be ready to challenge this years winner:) there is always HOPE right??

Todd raced today too and got 8th out of 33 in his age group...he had a really good run:) These are just fun races for him as his main goal is that Ultraman!!!

Thank you....thank you, to the people who sent good luck wishes:)


Jen said...

Way to go Mel! Great job!

rr said...

YEA Mel!! Congratulations - that's a rocking race. And you look gorgeous, as always.

You're certainly off to a great start for your first year, woman! Glad it went so well...

kerri said... are doing awesome for your first year!!! Congrats and it sounds like you met all your goals!!

jahowie said...

Congrats!! You are an amazing runner!! I can't believe how fast you are. I'm very jealous. :-) It won't even be fair once you become a good swimmer.

Wes said...

Your little one is SO cute :-) Mel!! You kicked ass!!! And you only trained 7 days? I bow down before you!! :-D

OK. What's up with this unequal determination of HAWTNESS? Hmmm? I've decided that, since get chicked so much, and I like it, that I'm gonna put, "Am I HAWT? on my butt like you women do :-)

Great job again Mel!!! Like freakin awesome!!

Meredith said...

Great work Mel! I had to laugh about you passing that girl!??!?!? Its so competitive out there, I think we are all guilty of passing someone who we deem as fatter/fitter/prettier/whatever
It makes you feel good!!!:)

Mary Eggers said...

Nice work sister! and the suit rocks!

Lily on the Road said...

WOW, you are my inspiration!! You were "smoke'n".

I can't imagine how fast you'd been with more days of training, LOL!!

Great JOB!

Eric said...

3rd place and still feeling like you could push harder? That's awesome!!!

Raina said...

Great work Mel! I'm very, very, very new to the whole triathlon thing and I just started reading your blogs. Very inspiring! (very cute kids, too!) Thanks for updating us. I just completed my first sprint tri. And your posts give me true hope that you CAN be a triathlete and a great mom at the same time!!! Thanks again!

Trigirlpink said...

Yay! That is awesome! PLease tell me you are signed up for Timberman and are coming to the race WITH Todd on Sunday.

Trigirlpink said...

Damn it!! I was hoping you were coming... Oh the pictures we could have posted. Ha! I'll make sure I find and say hi to Todd.

Damie said...

hey! I am just catching up! 3rd out of all of those women is AWESOME! And, I know what you mean about trying to get back into that competitive mode- so next race you can make it your mission to really push the run and keep flying past all of those girls. with such a good result this weekend, I am guessing your legs responded to the multitude of bricks for punishment, huh? ha ha!!!!

TriGirl Kate O said...

Way to go! So glad you had fun! 7:xx what pace?! I'm lucky if I go 10:xx pace. If the hubby's at Timberman, I hope to meet him and TriGirlPink!

Jennifer Cunnane said...

Great job racing! And a great run! You are a fly girl!

Paul said...

Sweet podium girl!!! Wow nice job. Good to see you back at it with all those cute kiddos.

Pedergraham said...

Nice racing and cute suit. We have to get you to the bloggers camp and swim with face in the water--you can do it! You run so fast with little training. Wait, chasing after 4 kids is probably the best kind of fartlek training!!!

BreeWee said...

MELLL! I have been totally out of the blog loop... oh man, way to stay on course and what a GREAT day you had. No, I hope you are rethinking your tri life, you are SOOOO good at it!

Okay, that suit is AWESOME! I want it, can I copy it? Can you make me a suit. Too bad Dawn already made my IM Canada suit, if I get my Kona slot can you PLEASE design my Kona suit... PLEASE!

Yes the shorts fit too. you are the best!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Mel!!! Sounds like a great day out there for you. Let's work on that face in the water next time. =)

Love the Splishy!!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Wooowhoo! 3rd place and that's with "head above water" swimming! That's awesome! See, who needs to swim well when you run and bike like that?
I'm thinking maybe I need to learn the "head above water" technique. Maybe it will help with my motion sickness problem? I have to figure out something to get through that 2.4 mile Ohio River swim in Louisville!

Anonymous said...

THAT is awesome, Mel! Amazing for your 1st year of Triathlons! Congrats and I am so glad you had so much fun too - cute suit and it was colder here too! Jen H. :)

kerrie said...

great job! glad you met most of your goals - you are too funny...

i can't believe that you didn't wear a wetsuit and didn't put your face in the water!!!! (however, you need to work on that cause just imagine how much faster you could have gone).

and another flawless picture of the family - how do you get them all to smile at the same time?

Sarah said...

WAY TO GO MEL!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!

I've been behind on blogs lately so I'm just catching up. I'm so proud of you! You're doing awesome and you're only going to get better. :)

Push harder on the next one!

oh and p.s. I'm super proud of you for the swim. Just gotta practice that sighting a little more so you don't run into boat docks. ;)

Lee said...

your kida are so beautiful Mel! What a great family and what a fine person you seem to be!!! My hat is off to you!

Steve Stenzel said...

NICE JOB!!! Way to go!!

I just came across a Speedo that talks about "Shrinkage" that I think you designed.....