FINALLY......First day of school started today....don't get me wrong I love being with my kids, but when you have 4 it does get a little crazy...my hair is thinning out and I am getting more wrinkles day by day:) all kidding aside...the kids were excited to get back to school...Skylar is in 5th grade, Konor in 2nd grade and Madison will be in Kindergarten and Mason starts later in September for Preschool 2x's a week.....So I have to laugh as people ask "so will I get some time alone this year" NOPE, never childless....Madison will be in afternoon Kindergarten and Mason will be in morning pre-school...so will ALWAYS at least have one child..so not FREE yet:)
We leave for Louisville KY tomorrow...Todd will be doing the Ironman race and I will be side line cheering my guts out for Todd and some blogger friends.....Bree, Eileen Swanson, Kate-Monster, Mira....so I am so excited to finally get to meet them (except Bree, as I already met her,but still excited to see her) I will have all the kids with me so this can be a challenge....but really hoping to be the good cheerleader and watch all my people cruise it into home.....This will be the FIRST time Todd will be crossing the finish line with ALL 4 kids..so I am sure it will be an emotional one for him:)
PS.....Mira, you WILL be fine in that swim...shut that mental battle up:) Bree, you WILL get that slot and smash that course, without all the bad luck:) Eileen, you WILL have a good race and welcome to full-time Pro:) Kate-Monster you WILL not suffer and will rock, you will run your heart out:) Todd, you will have your best run knowing the kids will be waiting for you and me bitching "HURRY UP" Ha!!
Have a great weekend friends and I am hoping to post some of the fun times in Lucky
Yeah, Summer with the kids is fun but it's nice to get back into a routine once school starts.
boy that husband of yours sure races a lot!!! i love that you cheer 'hurry up' cause it sure is a long day when you are out there with 4 kids.
enjoy some of your less chaotic time now that the kids are back in school(you really need to plan the morning/afternoon kindergarten thing better ;))
Mel, you're going too!?!? I wish I was heading up there now, but I never could convince Damie and Joy to go with me... All the best to your hubby and lots of good luck to those up there from the blogging universe! I'll be watching from Chicago!
Have a great time in Louisville this weekend - even though you are not racing it sounds like you will still be doing your own version of IM chasing the kids around. Perhaps it can count as training time? :-) Have fun.
I come from a family of four kids. I can commiserate with you :-) Have a fun and safe trip! Knock'em dead, Todd!!!
Have fun and travel safe! Good luck to Todd as well.
Those are some big smiles in that picture! What a cute bunch.
Man, those are such gorgeous kids! So funny about the scheds not lining up.. but before we know it they'll be grown and gone, so we have to enjoy all that time with them, right? Right? ;)
Good luck to Todd and have fun cheering our bloggirls on!!
Mel...Best of luck to Todd this wknd! Have a great time in Louisville.
LOVE YOR KIDS! Can't wait to meet everyone. SO EXCITING!
WOW it's going to be a big ol' party in Louisville! Wish I could come join in the fun (because, you know, I really would rather cheer for an IM than do one)!!
Hope you guys have an EXCELLENT time and all my best to Todd!!!
Man, what ADORABLE kids! Have fun in KY and good luck to TODD! Have fun!!! You will have to keep us bloggers updated! :) Jen H.
Best of luck to Todd. Warn him that there is one TriGirl representing out there wearing pink. Have a great trip!
PS--your kids are beautiful.
Your children have the NICEST smiles. I love to see them all gathered up for pictures. I really like Skylar's hair in curls, too.
Have a great time in Louisville and good luck to Todd. I am sending you some virtual cheers so that you can yell a little bit for me.
You the best Mel! Thanks for the shout out. Awesome pics of the kids, they are sssoooo beautiful.
See you tonight!!!!
Beautiful children! Love their smiles. Good luck to Todd! I hope he did well. :)
I can not believe I saw Todd in the Then you and the cutest 4 kids I ever saw in my life... what a fun family.
I am bummed I missed dinner with you all, the folks are here...
See you around. Enjoy KY, stay away from Krogers down town, you will get TONS of hit-on's, it is so funny... I was running for my life!
I'm jealous that you get to go to Kentucky. Have a great time!! Say hello to everyone for me.
You have the cutest kids. Enjoy your peace and quiet. :-)
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