FUN Readers

Friday, August 22, 2008

WTH?????? U.G.L.Y

Check out my legs right above the looks like bruising of the veins and it has appeared about a month ago and it is there ALL the time....I FIRST thought welcome to OLD age, but noticed when I bike or run that part of my legs feels tight and ready to darkens up and more noticeable after working out, so that makes me think it is NOT from old age but rather from low iron or some kind of circulation problem....So I guess off to the doctors for some blood work to make sure I am not anemic...YIKES!!!! Does anyone else have something similar to this or anyone have any ideas of WTH is going on!!!!
OH and don't laugh at my hair stubbles on my knee caps...damn I can never get them:) and the ugly scare on the knee cap is from me trying to attempt to do hurdles in a track time trials...well you can see that did not work out so well:) I am a MESS..........
*****I needed to add this after some really great responses...It does not itch, it is not raised like a rash, it does not is just there being UGLY:) and never goes away!!!!


Melissa said...

Wow. That's odd. I've had big issues with anemia in the past, but I've never experienced any symptoms on my skin. Has it been really hot in Ohio? A few years ago I got a bad rash/bumps in that same area every time I rode, turned out it was heat rash (not the 'typical' type that quickly comes and goes) that just kind-of stuck around. But it really itched.

Good luck with the blood work.

Anonymous said...

Holy moly Batman!!! Good luck at the dr...keep us informed!

Raina said...

Ouch darling. Let us know what the dr says. Hopefully it will be something easily fixable. Good luck! :)

Eric said...

Don't feel bad, I can never get the hair stubble on my knees either :-)

Wes said...

Good luck figuring it out!! I'm sure its nothing serious! I wouldn't have even noticed the other stuff if you hadn't said something :-)

GoBigGreen said...

It looks more like a superficial derm issue. Does it itch? Hope you get some answers.

Damie said...

I have no clue. All I know is your legs are very fast....send some of that my way! And, what stubble?

rr said...

I have no idea.. strange for sure! No messing up that beautiful bod of yours woman, it makes the rest of us think that maybe FOUR kids is the ticket to looking gorgeous.

Hope it's figured out soon!

Mer! said...

Hi Mel!! I am NOT laughing at your legs, but I love how you write like my friends and I do "it's just there being ugly."......we get mad at things that are "inanimate" objects too, like hair, and whatever.

ANYWAY: I don't have a magical answer other than I got my iron tested a while back an I have a form of "exercised induced anemia" maybe you can google that and see if you can find anything about your legs. It definitely seems exercise related??

OK! Well, cheers to finding an answer and I think it's cool how you tried hurdles!!! Scars rock!!

Hugs from San Diego!

Kellye Mills said...

Yikes!! Go get that looked at and let us know you're ok! :)

BreeWee said...

whoa momma! Hope you get that figured out... you still don't look ugly, it is just weird! Hey, I saw your bud, BR yesterday at the meeting... he is such a nice guy, pretty much the only pro that said hi to me. I hang with the pro Canadians, they are so down to Earth...anyways... hope all is well! Thanks for all your cheers!

kerrie said...

do you know what it is yet? i can't even stubble!!!! if you want to see stubble, or rather, hair, i'll send you a pics of my legs that haven't been shaved for a month lol....

Pedergraham said...

Yes, let us know how it goes. I hope you get an answer quickly and it turns out to be something easy to fix.
When are the kids back in school? Do you have only one home with you this year, or two still?

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

With all this studying I'm doing I'm really trying to figure out what it could be. That your legs feel "tight" when you bike or run seems like it's not a "skin" problem. I don't know why you'd have a circulatory problem though, you're so healthy. Good move to go it checked out and see what's going on.
Hope you're watching IM Canada! I'm so excited, and nervous, for Bree. I really want her to get her slot, she's so deserving of it.

Lily on the Road said...

Whoa, get that checked.

as long as there isn't a clot, but still get it checked please!!

jahowie said...

Please let us know what you find out.

Sarah said...

Hope you get it figured out!! Keep us updated... :-/