After watching Louisville IM....I kind of want to do ONE full Ironman...I know I said in the past NO WAY IN HELL......I know I do not want to do Louisville....nothing excited me there...SOOOOO I have a decision to make....Well since people are requesting early Xmas presents from Santa (JEN H>:) I was thinking the time is right to start to prepare for the request....PAY MY ENTRY FEE White bearded man:) DECISIONS>>>>DECISIONS...do I go with Ironman Florida 2009....flat....fast course...or do I go with the NEW Ironman Cozumel 2009?????? I am not too thrilled as they both are ocean swims...YIKES....but i don't think I would be thrilled if I had to swim in a baby pool either....NO swim love here!!! But my swim class starts here in a couple of weeks...so by next year I BETTER have some kind of love!!! Is anyone else signing up for any of the two..or have any comments on the venue???
I'll be heading to do IMFLA this year..my third time. So here's this, go to the redneck riviera or the tropical island of Cozy..i'm going to cozy...it's going to be a flat bike and run too..and of course another ocean swim..but hey...it's going to be beautiful!!!
There was lots of interest in Cozumel amongst my TriGirl friends, but we all figured it'd be better to give them a year to work out the kinks. I say go for IMFL, and you can come spectate this year and cheer me on! If I can get through it, you'll be golden.
I'd love for you to do IMKY with me next year!!
But, I loved IMFL as my first IM. You never know with the weather and the waves can be rough but the run course is spectator friendly and it is a great place to get away for an IM :)
I'd like to say that I am signing up, but I don't want to drown. I really need to get back in the pool. Did you ever find out what was up with your legs?
Ooooh, decide when you come down and SPECTATE IM Florida this year! Then you can meet more bloggy peeps - Damie, me, Mary, Joy - and see if you like the course. I kinda like ocean swims actually (and I'm not the biggest fan of swimming) - two words - SALT WATER! :)
I think they are both good choices. IM Coz being a bit more expensive. I'll have a better opinion of the IM FL race course in November ;-)
I'm not doing either, but I'd go with Florida only because it's an established race and it's in America. They might have funky stuff at the aid stations in Cozumel, like maybe tequila shots! Then again, post-race recovery would be AWESOME in Cozumel! Guess I'm not much help, but you'll never find me in an ocean swim race.
I'm partial to IMFL as I've done it 5 times... The swim can be the best or the worst you've ever done depending on the weather, current, wind etc.. It's also a "deceivingly hard bike course.." (exact words from Joe Bonness) and I agree with him. Just because it's mostly flat, doesn't make it easy.. ;-) You can't get much flatter for a run course however.. Heat can be as issue, but I'm sure Cozumel would be similar in that regard. You're pretty close to me (I'm in Ft. Wayne, IN) so training in late summer early fall can get tricky as there's not alot of sun left at the end of the day.. (advantage IMFL) If time to train isn't a concern then Cozumel would be fine. I guess it just come's down to logistics and where would YOU rather go? I know it's cliche to say but remember it's not about the destination but the journey. Good Luck with you choice whichever one it is, you'll rock!!
Can't give any advice on the IM choices, b/c I'm not there yet and probably never will be! haha!
But I will join you on the swim hatin'. Maybe we should both ask that white bearded man for miracle fins for X-mas. Just a thought....
Raina ;)
Cozumel is an awesome place to visit!! Mainly for the snorkeling or scuba. It would be a killer race site, much more exciting than Florida. However racing in Mexico is always dicey. I'd be concerned about the bike course there.
Hummmmmmmmmm. Since I haven't snuffed out my own IM bug....
I tried to get into LP (no on- line reg)
I tried to get into IMC (shafted on that one too.) I got alllll the way to putting my credit card # in at Active.com and hitting the SUBMIT key and all I got was an error..
CdA.. I think 1/2 my injuries were because I tried to get ready for a race TOOO early in the season, TOOO quickly. No way am I thinking about Kentucky either.
So that leaves UK or Switz. or Germany or possibly one of these you mentioned... hummmmmmmm, Mel, you've got the gears turning in my head.
This is AWESOME! Do it, do it, do it! I am all about being your personal cheer leader, photographer, and totally rooting for you! Hey, you managed the hardest 1/2 IM with flying colors (St. Croix), I think you can do a full on a flat course!
YAY... hope someone pays the fee, you deserve it!
OH IM FL, hands DOWN. I have spectated that race 2x and loved it - Jerome loves it and so does everyone that does it. It is flat, yes, but that doesn't make it a cakewalk either, but you know what? IT IS well run and proven...and well, you never know what you'll get in Cozumel. FL! :) Oh, you will do great - time to get cranking - ha, just kidding....not yet! :) Jen H.
I say FL!
I am going this year to spectate and sign up for next year!!! You should come and we will have a blast!!!!
Geezzz Mel, hmmm, maybe for your first one stay in the states, but then again, what the heck do I know LOL...
Which ever one you decide upon, GOOD LUCK, can hardly wait to hear all about your training...
Cozy for the first one.!!!
get some sightseeing in....
Now you gotta coax the little man with the white beard to send that one down the chimney
Ohmygosh you have the cutest family and hilarious blog. I have done IMFL 2x's and vacationed in Cozumel. What can I say-Panama City Beach is alright-nothing spectacular. But Cozumel is fantastic and will be memorable! I say go after Cozumel, great place for a vacation and what an adventure an IM there would be. Think of the race as an adventure and take it as it comes but be ready for anything. Spend post race time there enjoying yourselves at the marine parks (they are like no other marine parks I have been to with slow moving rivers you can float down to a secluded beach where you can swim with dolphins-amazing place!)
Oh christ for a minute there you had me thinking you were getting the itch to have a BABY again!!! lol I vote for the Cozumel IM - much better to be adventurous.
If I enjoy IMFL, then I would love to do Cozy Mel next year. Hmmmmmmm
Hey gal! THANKS FOR YOUR shout out! Ya, moving is a B*tch...ha! I swear, I always say, "I'll never move again....."
I am torn...Cozumel would be a fun vacation...so would Fla...not as exotic...but you know what you are going to get with an IM that has been around forever (FL) and you might NOT know what you are getting with Mexico...hmmmmm.......chances are you would have more time to decide if you wanted to do the latter, given that FL fills up right away....hmmmmm, yet again...Good luck with this one!
I vote for Cozumel! I don't think I would want to deal with the draft-fest at FL for the first one.. it would be disheartening, like Clearwater was.
You are going to rock your first IM, yea for taking the leap!!!!!
FLORIDA!! Great race and flat. Plus, i go every year to cheer on my buds doing it!!
FLORIDA!! Great race and flat. Plus, i go every year to cheer on my buds doing it!!
Congrats Mel for making the decision to go for it. AWESOME.
It's sometimes dicey to choose an inaugural race, but it can also add to the excitement. I didn’t like the draft fest at IMFL, but I hear Mexico could easily be the same story. Sorry, I’m no help, but it’s tough to make a BAD call. Once you commit, you’ll be trilled with the decision.
Ironman florida silly! It's the perfect time of year not to lose all of your children on the beach, becasuse the beaches are empty. And I will likely be there cheering. And I offically love you Mel. You are the mack daddy!
:-) Mary
Oh no...now YOU'RE doing an IM too????
;) Just kidding, I think it's great and I know you will be AWESOME!
Do whatever one sounds more fun...
Once you see one, it's hard not to sign up for one...
isn't it?
Good luck!!
I vote for Cozumel...but I'm partial, as I've already signed up!
I vote for IM Cozumel. I just got back from there (my third vacation there) and it is amazing! It is so exciting to think that I'm going to experience an IM in paradise. I checked out the swim area, it's super calm and super clear! You would love it! I think it would be exciting, go for COZUMEL. BTW I signed up a few weeks ago.. Good luck with training!
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