FUN Readers

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Been quite long enough!!!!

Sorry, really wanted to stay away from all the drama bullshit...but when you have "worthless" people going to my friends blog to spy on me then I need to speak......Their are some "people" who are so wrapped up in my personal shit that it has become comical for me.....seriously don't you have something better to do with your time??? If you think by spying on me not ONLY on my blog but now going to others is going to win you on someones "A" are crazy, because at our home you are a "JOKE" we laugh at you!!! Apparently these "worthless" people report back to someone close to me and tells them if a GUY has commented on my blog, or if there is a photo of me on a cell phone that is NOT my phone.....then wants to proceed on calling me dumb, because I misspelled a word or wants to say how horrible I look!!!! The funny thing is I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF ME...and that is the truth!!! I just had this conversation with a friend of mine who has a problem with caring "what other people think of them" "THESE" people are exactly that just "PEOPLE" they are not going to be there to brighten your day through rough times...."WHO NEEDS THEM" The ones that you are close to you will be there through thick and thin and will love you for who you are!!!

I am NOT perfect...I MAKE tons of mistakes and I know that...I am NOT better than the next person!!!

I hate to be mean....but enough is enough...Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself....SO "people/spies" if you are so wrapped up in my door welcomes you (you know where I live) I will tell you about ME and if you want to say bad things and bash me...go right ahead, BUT say it to my FACE...I welcome it!!!

Whew that feels good to get out of my system as this has been going on for awhile....but learning that "they" were going to my friends blogs crazy!!!

I promise next post will be cheery...:) ;) and I hope I don't lose any readers because of this BS...but rather see I am sticking up for myself against these "worthless-trouble makers"


Ward said...

It's unfortunate that there are people out there like that.. You just take the good with the bad, and then ignore the bad.. Rock on Mel!

JC said...

Holy drama!!! I was afraid to write but feel as though I should let you know that I read your blog!! I do, but that's all I do, I enjoy your stories!!! And now I have posted a comment too!!!

jahowie said...

I'm sorry that you are going through so much drama. I've never seen anything on your blog that would be "bad". Usually you talk a lot about your family and the events that you do. I like reading your blog, and I hope that things get better for you.

Wes said...

Yea, yea, yea, Mel!! Kick them peeps to the curb. There will always be folks out there that are haters or just don't get it. That's fine. They just don't need to be a part of our world!!

Wes said...

P.S. Just in case Jackhole is keeping score, I'm the third male to coment.

(1 mispelled wurd) :-)

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Keep on being tough and strong, girl. I don't know exactly what your post is all about, but I am sorry you are having to deal with some ugly people. Having met you in person I know what a kind, loving person you really are and you don't deserve to be treated that way, especially by people that don't even know you!

I've been thinking about you and your family. I hope you all are doing well.

Laura said...

OMG Mel, I just went through some of the same stupid sh*t. I ended up having to completely remove myself from a group I was a part of to stand up for my choices, but in the end the true friends and supportive people are still there for me. Glad to hear you're standing up for yourself too! It's too bad when people can't be OK with strong women who can do it all - and do it well!

P.S. Can't wait to hear about your FL vacation! :)

Mary Eggers said...

Mel.... after reading about Cy's experience, and someone else's I am horrified for you! Now if people have harassed you on the internet you can press charges you know!

Anonymous said...

YIKES!!!!!!!!! Don't you feel better now?

Chin up!

Chelley Klatt said...

Way to go Mel! I told you would know when enough was enough! I am proud of you. You are proving you maybe drop dead beautiful, but you are scrappy too! Go get'em!!!

Born To Endure said...

Wow...I have wanted to write that exact thing you just did THANK YOU. I have had to deal with this too..evil blog person I am..sigh.
Hang in there, trust me, this too shall pass!!!!!

Jennifer Harrison said...

WHOA!!!! I was completely blind-sighted by this ... I HOPE you are ok and getting rid of the evil people is a must! Hope you are ok.
Jen H. :)
Hang in there!

TriGirl Kate O said...

Sunshine and happiness should be your next blog title...and a pox on those who give you grief. I hope you had a great time in FL--can't wait to hear all about it.
Chin up!

GoBigGreen said...

Hey we are all flawed. And those that can admit it, laugh at it and also know that it doesnt matter what other people think will be the ones that are still standing ( metaphorically of course) at the end of the day.
Hang in there. I dont know you but i enjoy your quirky and from the hip posts. Plus I secretly want you to design me a Splish suit:)
And now it isnt a secret, is it! HA!

BreeWee said...

Oh man! Stalkers only stalk people they like, love, are infatuated with, envious of, or for some reason have nothing better to do... take it as a compliment :)

I totally know why too- you are the BOMB!!! (that word is so 8th grade- ha ha ha ha).

Hope you have a good rest of your day, less drama and more fun...

And I still want you to design me a Splish for next season too... more on that in 09! (gotta survive 08 first)

kerrie said...

wow- i feel so out of the loop! i had no idea this was going is wrong with people? love who you are and that you stand up for yourself!!

Marni Sumbal, MS, RD said...

Whatever is going on, I hope everything works out. You are too good to deserve anything bad. BTW-it was GREAT meeting you in clearwater. Hope to see you again soon. IF you ever need a vaca, come and visit me in JAX!

Raina said...

Wow Mel. I haven't been to your blog in a while and I wanted to check in. So sorry that this has been going on for you! Hang in there! I think you're awesome. :)


Cy said...

Yikes... I guess I'm not alone. I know who my Bully is, which makes it much easier to do nothing (impossible to rationalize with a completely irrational person).

I'm shocked that people choose to waste so much precious time on CRAP like that.

Trigirlpink said...

ick..... I hope this is over and done with for you.

Dolphin Boy said...

You go Girl!!!!!!

Lily on the Road said...

Stay strong Mel, we *heart* you for being YOU!

Cricket said...

I hear ya Mel! Good for you...I don't know what has happened, but I'm glad you stuck up for yourself! I love your posts- you have a beautiful family and just keep on being you! Wacko's are everywhere , but real friends will always stick by you.
Hey read my blog to cheer you up- I'm on day 10 of 30 days of positive! Keep Smilin! Life is too short to waste time on Idiots.

Steve Stenzel said...

Wow, people can be jerks! Good luck with the jerks!

Jennifer Cunnane said...

Way to give the finger to whomever is bugging you! I had no idea.. hope all is well and looking forward to future posts.

Jennifer Cunnane said...

Way to give the finger to whomever is bugging you! I had no idea.. hope all is well and looking forward to future posts.

kerri said...

Dang, mean people just SUCK. Sorry, Mel but way to stick in their face. Kudos. Hope it all gets better.

Damie said...

Mel- I love the new blog layout! We appreciate you for being you- keep it up and thank you so much for sharing so much of you with us. I am sending lots of good vibes and warm fuzzies your way- sprinkled with friendship and love.

Chelley Klatt said...

LOVE the new layout! It is so sweet! I know how much you love the skulls. Every time I put on my bracelet I think of you.

Paul said...

Dumb people are everywhere. It's unavoidable. Best to just not worry about them. Welcome back. :)

Sarah said...

Mel, The internet, is, unfortunately, a place where a lot of cowards go to hide and lash out because they don't have the cajones to do it in real life. Somehow people feel stronger and bigger when they can hide behind a computer. It's SO 8th grade and HELLO, STUPID!!

So good on you to nip it in the bud.

Sometimes I really can't get over the utter stupidity and immaturity that exists out there. Ugh.

Hang in there!