It has been crazy busy here!! I first off want to THANK YOU for the supportive comments and emails from my LOST post....I was in awe of how many struggle with that and it really helps me realize that I am "NORMAL" and no need to check myself into a NUT house :)ha! that is why I try to be so honest with my posts as it is a shout out with HELP...so thank you for letting me see the light during "rough times" I am improving!!!
Today we celebrated Madison's graduation from preschool ...I get all teary eyed watching my little girl up there singing her heart out....she is SO BIG now and I can remember like it was days ago this tiny, smiley, bald baby that never left my arms..and now she has transformed into her OWN little self..she is amazing and I thank God for giving her to our family..I LOVE her with all I have and am so proud of the little girl she has become and I am proud to say she is my daughter...OK a tear just hit the computer :) I LOVE YOU MADISON!!!!
OH YES....watch out I am now playing SOFTBALL....am I any GOOD....HECK NO :) Todd's organization has started a Racing for Recovery softball team...this is another way to show addicts and there families you can have fun without the usage of drugs and alcohol......The group of people on the team are awesome and we are having so much fun....I never in my life thought I would be on a softball team....I have never touched a bat or glove in my life....Give me basketball and I am a happy girl with BRING IT ON!!! Give me softball and I am like "OK what do I DO"?? Totally out of my comfort zone..... But it is all good fun and it is the point out there supporting the great program Racing for Recovery and it is so awesome watching these EX addicts turn there life's around...I LOVE IT...our first game will be June 1st... excited to see how well we do!!! GO TEAM!!!
You can come to visit the nut house. Just don't stay for long :-)
Are you going to be the softball coach. The umpires union called me to find out ;-) ROFLMAO!!
When I found out your hubby is championing the Race for Recovery, I was so excited and impressed!! That is really, really cool!!
Wes...I believe the ref's are safe...I AM NOT COACHING softball...but they better watch out if they call me OUT :) I will kick dirt at them :) JK!!!
Thanks..yes Racing for Recovery is great and it is saving people lives and I am pleased to be a small part of it!!!
That is so awesome that you guys are involved with such an incredible organization. It sounds like a really worthwhile cause and I'm glad you're having such a good time.
You won't catch me playing softball ever...I'm too scared of the ball! I prefer to watch from the stands. ;)
Congrats on Madison - it really is amazing how fast they grow up. You're such a great example of somebody who really appreciates each moment.
Mel, can I just say that your children are *so* beautiful!!!! What great smiles...
Let me tell ya, softball is something else. I played it for 10 years as a kid, and it definitely requires a different set of skills than triathlon... :) It's a ton of fun though! (Until the times I got a black eye from taking a ball to the face...YIKES). I think racing for recovery is an amazing thing to do - you're right - it is really great to see someone take control of their life and turn it around for the better.
Happy Monday!! (((Hugs)))
I am glad you seem to be doing well. Soft ball is so your sport! It is so much fun you have to laugh and it is way sociable unlike a triathlon race where we seem to be alone! You will be fine and you have to update us on it!
I love the family photos... there is nothing better than family, honest! Hard days always happen when a bunch of people live under the same roof everyday! BUT it is worth it to have people that know you better than you know yourself at home when you need them!
Have a REALLY good week...
Softball can be so much fun, I played center field in high school (another one of those things some friends and I tried doing just for fun - I think out field is where they put the not so great players). Ha ha
Keep your eyes open and watch out for fast flying balls!!
On a serious though, glad you are doing better than the last post...
Have a great day Mel....
I LOVE the new pictures and I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling brighter and more like your peppy self!
Softball will be fun! I suck at it, but it's all about the good times to be had with the team!!
Another sport?! Where the heck do you find the time?!
Go Team!!!
Love the new pic of the kids! Glad to hear you're back to your old self, have fun with the softball--it's a good time and frankly no one cares how well you play when you look as good as you do!
I too was impressed by the recovery work. I attended some AA and NA meetings while in Hawai'i last year and it was quite an eye-opener for me (I went as I was accompanying my wife who was taking an advanced counseling course and she needed to attend several such meetings and I needed to drive her there.) By the way, I am one of Bree's friends, and from her writings and pics I have found she keeps in touch with some wonderful people!
Hi Mz Mel
Thanks so much for your unwavering support. I was in the hurt box? lol.. I think that's what you call it!!!
Damn heat.. damn slow legs....
oh well!!
You look STUNNING per usual. Glad to see green grass and *summer smiles*in your own back yard. You must have brought home the good weather from St Cx.
i love the new pics - your kids are adorable and super photogenic as ! i think that your adventurous spirit is great and i am impressed that you are always willing to try new things...i, on the other hand, have no hand-eye coordination so any sport involving a ball is rather dangerous!!!!!
Thanks for your message. I looked at the website. Hsiu-chin took an addictive behavioral counseling course last year and will try to finish her field assignment this summer. While the course last year had a lot of emphasis on alcohol and drugs and sexual addictions, her interests currently lie in teaching about counseling in general to Chinese women and in helping young unmarried mothers. She is also interested in art therapy. My experience of attending meetings in Hawaii was that while I could see what was going on, I felt I was from another planet. I find it very hard to relate to that kind of stuff. Triathlon addicts, I can relate to, but the drink and drugs, no. I will show my wife the website. Keep up the good work.
mel..great family shots...
cool that todd's organization started a softball team.....
as many ways to get folks involved in stuff..right...
have a great day
I have to say I LOVE THE PICS too and your kids are soo cute. Our kids are just 1 year older than Madison and did their Kindergarden musical last night and I had to hold myself together! That is just 1 day after BALLING LIKE A BABY at Morgan's dance recital. Oh man. Sounds like you found plenty to do that is all good!! :) Jen H.
How do you fit it all in? You are a busy busy mom..but a good one! I hope I can have a family just like yours one day..in the future :)
Hope the softball goes well. I'm sure you can run fast from base to base!
Hope you are over the race and everything and starting fresh on another Crazy Mel adventure!
Congrats to Madison!! I like your new header. Very cute. Good luck with the softball. I miss playing sometimes.
I LOVE the new header too...
Its great to always see photos of your kids. I think you should teach the softball team how to run the bases - maybe you can be the Pinch runner (like a pinch hitter) - right? Tells you how clueless I am about the sport. Also, did not realize your hubby travels a lot like mine. Isn't crazy when they are actually home at night? It's like it breaks up my usual routine! Great job balancing being a mom plus dealing with traveling spouse!
Mel - Great blog.. I found your site through Lucho's and then through Kerrie's.. I can relate to your "lost" post and your most recent one. I have three boys all under 7. The oldest just had his first musical/play mid-week, and it was all I could do keep myself from blubbering all over myself. It does seem like just yesterday he was sleeping for half the day, and pooping and peeing for the other half. My two oldest keep me busy with t-ball right now, and it's a blast to watch them!! Keep up the good work...
What a GREAT thing to do! So nice of you and the family to start the softball team! I have horrible ball-hand-eye coordination.... yikes! I can't see myself lobbing a softball in the right direction to save my life. And catch it? Ha ha - joke would be on me. :)
Have fun with it ALL! The pictures are adorable - you and the family are BEAUTIFUL!
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