FUN Readers

Sunday, June 29, 2008


A lot of NOTHING going on here.....Since my last half Ironman race....I have been the big zero on the BIKE and a BIG ZERO on the SWIM....ran a couple of times and that is it....the training is in my mind A LOT...but the body is not wanting to get up and just GO!!!!! I have been eating myself SILLY...I guess I need to thank Bree and Pat for that...when Bree was racing Ironman Japan..I was up all night following her with some other blog buddies, we used Pat's blog as the cheering/partying was mentioned way too often which the peer pressure got the best of me and ever since then, I CAN NOT STOP EATING!!!! So many good Ironman races to follow and I always feel the need to eat, while I am following the races!!!! I am honestly up 5 lbs...tomorrow is a new day and I WILL drag my big butt out the door and get it going...I do not have a race until August, so the "slacker" attitude sounds good to me :) but the extra weight is depressing :( so can not have it both ways!!!!

Some good news my husband Todd got accepted into the Ultraman which is Covering a total distance of 320 miles (515 kilometers), on the big island of Hawaii, they require that each participant complete a 6.2 mile (10 K) open ocean swim, a 261.4 mile (421 K) cross-country bike ride, and a 52.4 mile (84K) ultra-marathon run. I think he is CRAZY, but he has been working his butt off in the training!!! So it will be cool to see him achieve such a huge accomplishment!!!

Happy training and getting BUFF:)


Jen said...

Holy cow! Ultraman make Ironman look like a walk in the park while snacking on some M+M's (sorry for the food reference). That is CRAZY! Tell you husband good luck...better him then me!

BreeWee said...

Oh MY GOSH! Todd, you are ultra insane. That race is so lonely... no volunteers, no crowd support, LONELY. 3 days alone! We try to help out... hey, if you can't recruit a support crew (you have to have your own) then let Brooke and I know, we can help out and go around the island with food and supplies for him. you know you have to camp in the rain during the event too over near Volcano...! Oh boy Todd... hey if anyone can do it he can though!
keep us updated...
hope you are doing good Mel!

Born To Endure said...

Ultraman?? WOW..that's crazy. Just yesterday I was trying to talk a friend of mine (who's a major ultra junkie) into trying to get into Ultraman..she said she will try next! Good luck to your husband!

Wes said...

LOL @ Jen... I am just floored (with Ultraman, not eating :-) You deserve a break today (ignore the reference to a popular fast food commercial). That five pounds won't stand a chance when you get back at it!!

Now, I'm going to go digest this news about Todd....

Trigirlpink said...

Good lord. When do you see that man? Yikes! That sounds daunting at best. Mel, get out there and find some local 5 and 10ks to keep you motivated until your next tri!

Damie said...

Wow! I am so impressed, Todd! And Mel, you will love this. Just the other day I showed my husband your blog site and said- How hot is she? And she has 4 kids!!! He totally concurred. So, don't even fret about the post race food- it is only in your mind right now since you are coming down from the race. Good to hear from you and glad you are doing well.

Eileen Swanson said...

Wow, super cool for Todd! And so good to see you back online ;-) Thought you were ignoring me and Pat ;-) LOL


Anonymous said...

OH GOOD lord is right. Todd is insane!! :) Good for him. And, sometimes you just have to "let things go" for a bit after a big race, ya know? It feels so good. It will all come back...! :) Jen H.

TriGirl Kate O said...

An ultra, WOW! I think you'll need to eat just to keep on top of his training/food schedule. That is very impressive. I think you are amazing for supporting him in his quest--go Mel!

Sarah said...

Oh...ultra...holy cow...WOW. That is INSANE, MEL!

But hey - if he's up for it then GO TODD!!! I know he's got a fantastic family to support him. Good luck to him!

And Mel - let's get real - there is NO way YOU have a big butt. ;) Still, I know how you feel when you kind of take a break from all the hard core training. I still have a hard time with my 'off-season' weight vs. my 'in-season' weight. It's only a couple pounds but it feels like a ton!

Todd Crandell said...

I just want to thank you all for leaving kind comments on this "blog" but the truth of the matter is this, I and Racing for Recovery would not be if it was not for the support of Melissa, our kids and everyone who helps me do what I do for the sake of others.

I also want to thank you all for being there for Melissa as it has helped her tremendously and I appreciate it.

Take care everyone and enjoy your day.


Cricket said...

Holy Cow! Ultra Man...he is crazy- my husband has that on his "List of things to Accomplish" Best of luck to him and to you for dealing with the training!
I'm with you on the eating and motivation for training- I call it "Summer Break Syndrome" the kids are off school- you're in a different mode- you'll be fine and get it back-
Best Wishes- Cricket

rr said...

Wowza, go Todd!! Congrats on getting in, I can't wait to track him.. very cool!

Mel, your body is just telling you to rest and recover.. listen. You'll know when you're ready :) I'm sure with 5lbs you still look like a supermodel!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you blogged! I was starting to wonder about you.

Ultraman?! YIKES!! He is going to make the rest of us look like slackers.

Meredith said...

Enjoy your food, you got time to whip yourself into shape ( I ditto RachelR) when your body wants something delish you gotta give in. And run (or swim or bike) cause you LOVE the way it makes you feel. Forget about HR, Time, distance, whatever, for a week. Then you'll have the tools to begin something more serious sooner than you know! From one OH girl to another, have a great week!!:)

Anonymous said...

I had to stop at 6.2 mile open water swim. Wow, makes an IM swim seem like a sprint.

No races for me for a while either so I'm with ya! -mira

Ward said...

Good luck Todd.. My best bud ad training partner, Scott Beasley, won Ultrman Canada last year. His training wasn't much more than if he was training for an IM. The only diff. are the long rides and runs.. He would routinely run home from work (34 miles) and his long rides would be around 140.. He was in Hawaii last yeat to do the Ultraman but he had intestional issues and had to pull out after day one.. keep up the hard hard work, you'll get there!

Laura said...

Holy mother! Ultraman!?!?!?! The 10K swim alone would prevent me from even glancing that way. I though IM was crazy (and I'm doing one)! Ultraman? Seriously?!?! I mean, seriously!??! All shock aside, that's AWESOME!!!!!! (probably deserves a thousand more exclamation points, but you get the idea :)

Hang in there Mel, I always need a bit of a break after big races like that too. I plan on eating a lot and doing whatever I feel like (which I'm sure won't be training) after July 20th! :)

Brooke Myers said...

Mel we all have days with a loss of words and overeating (I was the one eating icecream while Bree was racing Japan and Nick a beer in his hand)...
Don't let it get to ya too much :)

Congrats to Todd - are you coming out here with him? that would be way cool if you do...

Dolphin Boy said...
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Bruce Stewart (施樸樂) (ブルース・スチュワート) said...

All the best for Todd's Ultraman. I have watched the race several times and several friends of mine have done it (some who I have frequently raced over short races). It would certainly be something I would aspire to, but my running would have to improve a lot first. The participants and organizers/volunteers are a wonderful bunch, a real family.
I am very envious of the extra 5 lbs in weight. I have put on only about 3 in 3 months, despite trying to eat as much as I can.

Kellye Mills said...

Holy Cow!! I can't believe he's doing that! That is incredible. I wish him and you... the supporter... the best of luck!