Do we all have those crazy, silly, nonsense fears of something ridiculous??? Well, mine has always been corn fields.....Did you ever see the movie "Children of the corn" if you have you will relate to what I am talking about...the fear started as I remember when I was in 5th grade...I had my first paying job....I worked as a green bean and pea picker (don't laugh at me) yip got paid 10cents a pound:) wahooo!! anyways, here's me in the middle of these huge open fields surrounded by corn fields in the middle of nowhere and I believe that is around the time I saw the movie "Children of the corn" and I SWEAR I would always hear noises and screaming coming from the corn fields and it did not help that one of my older brothers worked there too and would always say they are coming to get the little blonde girl in the bean field :( so from this day I am scared of corn fields.......
Since I started riding my bike this year I take the same bike route every time and it takes me out in the country (which means all open land)....I like it because less traffic and less stops ect.....well, lately the wind has been insane and my legs are TIRED...I am a wimp when it comes to riding into the wind......On this bike route there are 3 corn fields that line the road on BOTH sides and that is the only time I can pick up any type of speed and give my legs a rest, so now my silly fear is turning into my best friend....I block out the "Children of the corn" and give me some more CORN FIELDS :)
I have been doing bricks everyday this legs are not wanting to GO, so they are being punished :)
FUN Readers
Thursday, July 31, 2008
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I'm coming to get you my pretty, and you're little dog too!
Oops, wrong movie {sigh} :-)
Yay for bricks! Punish those legs...
hilarious, I might laugh if I saw you on your bike flying by a corn field. You should find a race near a corn field, you might get the best bike split ever!
do you eat corn? ha ha! sorry, dumb joke, I am in a dorky mood. Got your email... I need to write you back... you crack me up!
Jolly Green Giant meets Pea Picker meets Children of the Corn meets Irongirl gone crazy!
I see a possible movie in the making!
Girl hammers her bike between two huge corn fields, disappears, nowhere to be found. local paper blames Jolly green giant monster lurky in fields. Ohio town fearful of pea pickers and green beans. Sales blummet all across region. Girls bike shows up with corn stalks all over it!!! be continued...
HA! You would last 2 1/2 seconds here in Illinois. The entire STATE is swimming in corn and it is all corn fields. May be good therapy for you! Corn doesn't bother me, you know what movie freaked me out as a kid??? Friday the 13th with JASON!!! And, JAWS...I am over Jaws now...but those 2 movies freaked me out for years! Yeah on your bricks! Jen H.
We all have silly fears like that. I'm scared of midgets and monkeys. LOL!!!
Great job on the bricks this week!! You are going to rock that race next weekend!!
That book scared the begeezzzeesss out of me.
Good job on working those legs...ride hard past those corn fields.
Mel, I know that whenever I need a good smile or a laugh, I just have to go read your blog. You are the cutest thing ever and I love your posts!
I never saw that movie...but I have to tell you something funny about why _I_ hate cornfields -
So you know, here in CA, we don't really grow corn. But there's this place along the highway about 7 miles south of here that MESSES UP TRAFFIC EVERY FALL because this SILLY FARMER has this big sign "HOW TALL IS THE CORN TODAY????"
And it totally messes up people driving because they're like "oooooooh, the corn is growing!"
OMG. So dumb. And that is why I hate cornfields. ;)
Okay.. there is something to be said about letting your kids see movies they shouldn't.
The Stepford Wives
saw both of these as a KID.. 8 years old maybe?? Scared me to death....
We don't have corn fields here in MA. Just a patch or two.
I did have fresh native corn for dinner last night! YUM!!!!
You are a freak - I would be so scared visualizing that but if it works, why not? I have only seen one horror movie - Friday the 13th and my eyes were closed the entire time. By the way - the splish suit was a big hit here today at Jordanelle Reservoir in Utah! Thanks again!
I have never seen that movie, but it scares me to think about it. I am the same way- I can scare myself pretty easily thinking about movies. I think you need to see if you can get a splish suit with some corn on it! The thought of you doing bricks every day this week is cracking me up.
That is a creepy movie - eeks! For me, it's Jaws. At least you CAN ride through corn fields. I only ocean swim during a race (but you had better believe that I'm thinking about the sharks below... and getting out as fast as possible!)
Great job on the bricks!
OMG - you are freakin' me out Mel! AHHHHH! Ha! Gotta chat about some stuff....will write you.
I like in Iowa Mel...corn fields can't be avoided and I am officially freaked out now!!! YIKES!!!!
MEL!! I got your package today! It totally made me laugh and smile and I just appreciate it so much! Thanks a lot, tell Todd thank you too... I am going to read his book starting tomorrow! You guys are the best!
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