FUN Readers

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ba,Ba,BaBaaaaaa "I'M LOVIN IT"
I have been doing so good staying away from the big McD's....but it got the best of me!!!! I love McDonalds...I LOVE JUNK.....I grew up on McDonald as that was the ONLY fast food restaurant in my town growing up!! I have not been to the big McD's for months...BUT yesterday I NEEDED IT and BOY, OH BOY, it was SOOOOOO GOOD....Oh yeah I will take a #4 which as you can see what that is up above in the photo....I figured if I am going to indulge in the JUNK...I better make sure it is the fattiest junk they have :)MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm Now we will see if my butt will be hanging over my bike saddle and my gut be laying in my for a ride!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!!


Steve Stenzel said...

HA! Check my blog - we both recently indulged!!!!

LoveOfShoes said...

Long time lurker...but the Golden Arches has finally brought me out of hiding :)
Sometimes I just CRAVE McD's and the only thing to do is EAT IT! Every once in a while, why not?! Oh, and I have a McD's 2 blocks from my apartment that DELIVERS and has a WALK UP WINDOW (like a drive through in NYC). It's CRAZY!

Wes said...

LOL... Shhhhh... I had a Baconator from Wendy's today. Gauranteed to clog an artery. That's why you can't eat more than four ;-) But that Big Mac looks good. I wonder what's up for dinner...

Jen said...

Be proud Mel!

Lily on the Road said...

Make me laugh Mel, I had Tostito's and salsa for dinner last night...must be the position of the moon!!

Thanks for
"fessing up"...LOL

Pedergraham said...

Good for you, Mel. We had McDonalds on Sunday nigth on the way back from Lake Placid and then I wanted some more on Monday night...Andrew was so happy. He loves McDonalds and will gladly treat you the next time he is in Ohio!!! I don't know what # I got--I just let Andrew order for me b/c he is a pro!
Hope you are having a good weekend!

Marni Sumbal, MS, RD said...

I'll pretend I didn't read this....and everyone else who is posting about their indulgences :) hehe

Kellye Mills said...

I'm all about the induldge! I'm glad you enjoyed it without any guilt!!

Eileen Swanson said...

YUMMMM! Nice indulgence.....I had In N Out the other day ;-) Love it.....How were those fries?


Laura said...

Not only have I eaten a fully pint of Ben and Jerry's fish food for dinner since my IM, but I also did the McDonalds thing for lunch last week! Glad to see others are as guilt free about their indulgences as I am! ;)

jahowie said...

Somehow I think you'll be OK. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. It does look good.

Anonymous said...

Oh I did the same darn thing this weekend. Once in a while we all NEED a good greasy burger and fries from Mac's don't we?

Sarah said...

Mel, this CRACKED ME UP! I love your lead-ins...I was like "WHAT DID SHE DO?!"

Okay, I admit, I have my own vices. I'm NOT trying to be holier than thou here...but I honestly DON'T GET all you people who love Mickey D's!!! There must be something, because you're clearly NOT the only one. I do love their soft-serve...but really...that's it. Maybe it's b/c I'm not a big burger lover? I just don't crave it, but I'll take that as a blessing. :) Now, if I could get over my addiction to peanut butter...

Either way, you've gotta give in to the cravings occasionally. It feeds the soul. :) Good for you!

Trigirlpink said...

Good Lord Mel, if RawModelAnthony happens upon this blog entry he's likey to keel over.

Go have some broccoli, will ya?
hee hee

BreeWee said...

this is the coolest post a triathlete has ever posted... LOVE it!

Eric said...

Nothing like a double cheese burger after a long hard ride :-)

Bruce Stewart (施樸樂) (ブルース・スチュワート) said...

I basically eat most of the same ingredients every day and a lot more of it minus the fat and it costs me much, much less. I rarely eat there as I always feel hungry soon afterwards. No chance of a sagging stomach for me. It must cost you a pretty penny taking all your kids to McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

OH BOY MEL....I have those moments too (don't we all?)...but I have to admit, McDonald's is never in my mind. I ate it ALL the time as a kid, but as an adult, it makes me sick. I tried a bite when I was pregnant and I swore I could never do that again - pregnant or not. BUT glad you had some fun with it! :) Jen H.