The JOY of being a Mom...Mason's preschool had their first field trip today....YIP to the farm we go...57 degrees/cold and rainy weather, not really how I want to spend a day..BUT we as Mom's will do anything for our children:) (the sad thing is Mason really did not even want to go) he really is not digging this pre-school thing and would rather spend time with ME:) Ha! "Why" I will never know!!!
So here we are freezing our bums off and smelling the nice scented aroma in the air (NOT) unless you like the smell of cow and pig poo!!! We went on a hay ride, but my hands were to frozen to take a photo at that point :( we went around in a circle and took in the scenery of absolutely NOTHING...what kind of hay ride is this?? One circle and seeing NOTHING!!! So that is where our money is going to..hummmm!!!
Then we get to go inside the barns and feed the cows and pigs and let me tell you...I am a country girl at heart..I grew up around farms and Amish and I smelled cow poo EVERYDAY...but I must becoming a diva...because I wanted to GAG...not just from the smell but I ended up getting cow slobber on me (yuck)..I just turned around and wiped it on my Mother-in-Law...I figured she has dogs, so she is use to it:)
I got a little freaked out...I look up and see all the wooded beams and see MICE running across...that is one thing I am afraid of...I guess when your own Mom was terrified of mice and would scream and stand on chairs...that would be frightening for a child to see....PLUS I swear, I was chased by one when I was little!!!!!SO my thoughts were these Bettie eye varmints are going to fall from the beam and land on me...it DIDN"T happen, but I could not keep from looking up the whole time!!!
To end our trip we get to sit and have lunch with our poo smelling, cow slobber hands...NICE!!!
Like I said "the THINGS we do for our children:) is all worth ONE SMILE!!!!
Yea, my 12 year old used to tell us, he was never growing up and moving out of the house. LOL... We told him to wait until he discovers, gurrlls :-)
(note to self, Mel hates mice [just in case we should ever meet in person :-D])
Having three kids in diapers all at the same time, I got used to smelling poo all the time!!HA! Granted, cow and pig poo are a whole different ball game...
Once you do an IM, you won't be afraid of anything, let alone mice!
Your kids look so happy.. reminds me of taking our little ones out to the Childrens zoo here in town.. I always take hand sanitizer for after we leave the petting corral.. those goats can get quite friendly!
You're a trooper. I would have been so outta there when I saw the mice. Mason will learn to love his new school.
Yeah.....enjoy it while he still wants you around :-)
you always crack me up Mel...and of course One BIG smile is worth a thousand slobbers!!
I could not agree more! The smile makes all the other stuff worth it!
Mel, I am so thinking of you, do you remember in St. Croix that pro boy that kept trying to get us to have shots with him? Then when he got drunk and passed out we took markers and drew on his face...? Remember him? Paul Ambrose? That pro boy? I hope you remember that hilarious night, HE IS HERE! I am laughing so hard, like really laughing about to pee my pants! I had to tell you, it made me miss you a lot and he is so funny... I wish you were here!
Have a happy weekend!
Those farm animals are sooooo cute! And here, we call that smell that "Sonoma Aroma." :)
Mel, I totally thought of you last weekend when I was driving down to SF. On the way I passed the annual corn field that sprouts up at this time, and sure enough, IT WAS CAUSING TRAFFIC!!!
Why? Because they make a maze out of the corn and put this big sign up for all the freeway drivers to see that says "IT'S A-MAZE-ING!" and also "How tall is the corn today?"
Apparently, it's worth breaking for. :P
HA!!! Yes, I am living this life, too, Mel! Tonight we have a HAYRIDE with 115 of our closest friends (and I am not kidding, it is our neighborhood's!) and then next weekend the Apple Orchard...!!! CUTE pics - glad you guys are having fun. Happy Fall! :) Jen H.
I think you are very brave to handle all the animals, smells, varmints and all! That sounds more terrifying than an open water swim with your 2000 closest friends!
I smell ya!
Cold already in Toledo? Bummer! It got cold last night in Kona so I had to turn my fan off & sleep wearing a t-shirt!!hahaha!
Great pics of the kids! How fun for them!!
You are a great Mom. I wouldn't have been able to eat. I hope that Mason ended up having a good time.
yup, you are a saint.. cow slobber, pig poo, a hayride to nowhere.. oh and mice...
fun fun!!! At least you got your Starbucks in hand!!!
Hi Mel, I would have loved that hay ride and hanging out with the cows and pigs ;-) I cant help it, I just LOVE animals sooooo much! They are the best, they never talk back and they just love us unconditionally ;-)
Glad you were able to SMILE!!
Cute pictures - the pumpkin in classic. It made it ALL worth it! Your kids will look back and remember the times like these! :)
Cute photos!! Great times!
Funny!! I am off to the Farm on a field trip this coming Tuesday! At least you got some great photos! :) I am looking forward to seeing you in Clearwater! When are you heading down?
Hey Mel, did you ever decide between IMFlorida and IM Cozumel?? There was a thread on slowtwitch recently that described the IM Course in Cozumel in huge details with loads of photos/info:
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