FUN Readers

Friday, January 2, 2009

BYE..BYE..2008 HELLO...a FRESH 2009

This photo was a "joke" to Todd, as I tell him I am
his worst nightmare...this is me in his dream:) Don't
I look crazy scary????

OK, OK I will Post "something" :) sorry I have been out of blog land!!! I guess I really haven't had much to talk about lately unless you want to hear ALL my grumbling and bitching (I didn't think so)!!!
I am SO GLAD 2008 is OVER..... I am on the prowl for a JOB to bring into the new year!!! I want to live somewhere other than HERE..I prefer somewhere warm...I am hoping for a lot of "NEW" changes for 2009...I can totally skip over 2008..I think that had to be my "WORST" year EVER...So I can only go forward and upward for the New Year!!!

Here is a quote I totally 'Love"....Mira thank you for sending it to me....

There comes a point in your life when you realize: Who matters, Who never did, Who won't anymore...And who always will.So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Here's to a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you ALL...2009 Baby!!!


Lily on the Road said...

2009 is a clean slate for you to write on the quote...

Here's to a New Year!!

Jen said...

Totally agree with all of that!! 2008 sucked pretty much and 2009 MUST be better!
Love the picture!
Cheers to a wonderful year ahead!

Marit C-L said...

Yep, 2008 was NOT my favorite either! :) I was only TOO HAPPY to cheer in 2009! Here's to a FANTASTIC year!!! Cheers!!!

Damie said...

holy crap! go Mira- that was a great quote! I will have to store that one away. I hear you on being in a warm place, I swear even Memphis is too cold for me. Glad to hear from you :)

Trigirlpink said...

I give you full permisson to hack my blog and just cut and paste this post along with the awesome quote along with it please! :-)

kerrie said...

happy, happy new year! that is a great quote.
i agree with you about 2008...i am so over it, it just wasn't my year. i know that 2009 has to be better and i am ready for it :)

Born To Endure said...

Boy do I ever agree with that quote, thanks for sharing it. I say the future is so bright, we gotta wear shades..happy new year to you!

Wes said...

Ooooh. Very scary :-) I hope 2009 is a great year for you and your family!!

Chelley Klatt said...

Mel, I agree with you about 2008! It pretty much sucked. There were some bright spots (like meeting you!) but, on to bigger and better. I wish you lived closer to here but, the weather sure isn't any warmer! You should try and do something in the design world. You would blossum in that field. Love a girl and only the best for you in 2009!

Marni Sumbal, MS, RD said...

Great quote!
Move here to Jacksonville...I will show you all around :)

rr said...

2008 sucked! Bring on 09, I'm with you.. and no, you don't look scary, you goof ball, you look like a hot chick with a knife ;)

JC said...

Cheers to you and everyone else that has proclaimed 2008 a S^&%Y year and hears to 2009!!
I wish Vancouver wasa warmer for you, we could be running buddies!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

I guess I'm one of the few that will always remember 2008 as my year of accomplishments. I finally graduated, then I did an Ironman 3 weeks later, passed my board exam a week after that, and oh yeah, still kept my family relatively happy. I guess I'm tired and looking forward to resting in 2009!

Glad you enjoyed the quote. It hit home for me big time!

BreeWee said...

Ha ha ha ha ha, that foto cracks me up, you can't be ugly and scary if you tried...

HOPE alllllll you 2009 dreams and goals and wishes and prayers and hopes come true!!

Jen said...

Horrah for 2009! Happy New Year!

Jen said...

Horrah for 2009! Happy New Year!

Shan said...

Happy 2009, Mel! I agree with you and everyone else - 2008 HAD to go!!!! Hope this year treats you with nothing but the best! :)

jahowie said...

Yeah, 2008 did suck. 2009 hasn't started out much better. I've been asking around to see if anyone needs help. The way things are going at work, I might be looking myself soon.

BTW....That picture is terrifying!!

Cricket said...

2008 did suck- I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought so- I'm not a total wacko! Here's to a great 2009- it's going to shine!
I too loved the quote-
Happy New Year!

Sarah said...

2008 sucked for many people for many different reasons. Let's start 2009 with a good attitude, a desire to move forward, healthy goals and commit to making 2009 as happy as possible!

I really hope it's a wonderful year for you, Mel, in every possible way. xoxo :)

Unknown said...

Good luck in 2009! Very nice blog. You are very beautiful!

Drop me a line sometime.
